Ants are social insects, lives in large colonies or groups. They belong to the order Hymenoptera, close related to Bees & Wasps. These tiny creatures are incredibly talented to survive in different condition. Although harmless, they can be a nuisance when they are in your home or place of business. If they found their desirable item in your space, they will signalise their colony mates to help collect the food. Then their complex and cooperative societies transform us into a discomfortable situation. Amicare is Best Ant Exterminator in Kochi , Kerala and Best Ant Removal Services .
Here are some interesting facts you may want to know about this small and yet troublesome pest.
Call Amicare Service Pvt. Ltd. if you are facing an uncontrolled ants infestation. Amicare is Best Ant Exterminator in Kochi , Kerala .
Ants are attracted to even the smallest pieces of food or spills, leaving behind pheromone trails that guide other ants to the same food source. Selecting the appropriate pesticide can help prevent this situation.
We offer both spraying and gel treatment services.
No, it won't.
It can be identified by differences in color, size, and body structure.